
Cleric Quest

When ready, go to the statue of Lloth in Sreen,
'say zealot': 'give  to statue'

    1)High in a far away keep lies a creature of
      fire and metal. He has a statue of Lloth
      in one her many forms.
      Venture to Mystic Keep, kill the first Dragon
      in the NW Tower, First lvl. EASY

    2)Far to the west in the home of heart of fire,
      lives a man who is an expert in pain. He has
      on him the life essence of all the races.
      West of Hylar in the Volcano, find the Torturer,
      kill him, and get his bottle of blood.Easy

    3)Within the  city of Evil Knights lives a keeper
      of children. Gifted to her out of ignorance was
      the Spider Queen's own ring.
      Hyalr-West on Garnet Ave, 3w, n, 4w, all n, kill mammy

    4)Captured within eternal beauty is one of Lloth's
      servants. Trapped in the underground mines where
      no words can pass to those afar it lies waiting.
      Faerie Lands, Get the diamond from Coblyn. Easy

    5)Now, the thought of this man fills me with anger
      for he has made himself our races enemy by his name
      alone. A small child has gifted him a statuette, get
      from him by any means neccessary!
      This is the HALFWAY point, and I never made it past this.